So there are many things going on here at Maxercise, I wish that were why this is only the third blog post, but mainly, I'm pretty lazy. So this is what we have been up to...
September 18th, aka this Saturday we will be having Xande Ribeiro at Maxercise for a two hour seminar from 12pm-2pm. I'm not going to explain who this guy is, he is pretty much one of those in-need-of-no-introduction people, but, in short, he is the man. He will also be doing private lessons all day Friday and probably sitting in on classes.
Saturday,October 2nd-Maxercise will be co-hosting, along with Liberty Bell Judo, The Philadelphia Jiu-Jitsu & Judo Cup. Even though we are running the BJJ side it is by no means a "Maxercise" tournament, meaning that it is open to all teams, academies, and affiliations. Its our first go at hosting a "real", meaning not an In House, Tournament. We have been running In House Tournaments for a very long time and have recently been opening them up to more and more tp competitors from other clubs, with great efficiency and success, so its about time. Registration and more info is available on the event site which is!
In addition to all that, the team will be upping their training and conditioning in preparation for the Saulo Ribeiro Association Annual Tournament, which is to take place on October 9th in Oklahoma. BONUS: we may get to DRIVE what I'm sure is an extremely scenic route to Oklahoma :(
I am also opening this baby up to contributions from teammates who also have blogs or have written something that i think is relevant to Maxercise and this blog. The end.
Road Trip to Oklahoma! Whoooo!